This Wednesday, June 29, 2022, the MParks Michigan Recreation and Park Association hosted a “Come Out & Play at the Capitol” day. What is that, you ask? Oh, just 1500 kids from parks and recreation groups from near and far, playing on the lawn of the Capitol. We were honored to be asked to participate, and so we loaded up a trailer with kayaks and canoes, packed the van with vests and paddles and staff, and headed out. It rained on the way, but the clouds parted to let the sun shine through as we pulled in front of the capitol building in Lansing. We setup our imaginary canoe and kayak trips on the grass, and the team of Alan Heavner, Nancy Pennington, Camryn Payne, Sierra Brueker, and Kelsey Richardson took turns “launching” the kids on races and providing guided paddling direction. Along the way there were spontaneous aerobics on the steps of the Capitol, gaga ball pits, tug of war, kites, chess, and so much more. Once the school busses started dropping kids off, the fun didn’t stop and it wore out the crew – but there was just enough energy left to make it into the capitol building for a quick self-guided tour. Thanks to MParks for hosting! See you next year!

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